Thursday, February 14, 2008

Lucy's First Words!

Many of you are asking if Lucy knows any words yet. She knows a few. Although she chooses to use them sparingly, so don't expect to hear them any time soon. :) Here they are:

Mama (sounds like mama)
Dada (sounds like dada)
Dog (sounds like og)
Book (sounds like ook)
Amen (sounds like ah-bah)

Ok, that last one is a little weird I know, but if you ever meet her friend Gus, you will understand! :)


Anonymous said...

You have to get the "Amen" on video while she's still saying it like that! I hope I get to hear it!! you're growing up too fast Lucy

Anonymous said...

I with Jenny and Matt I would really like to hear what she is saying. I bet that sounds cute.

Anonymous said...

Lucy is growing so much