Thursday, January 31, 2008

Lucy Goes to Hawaii!

Yes, you read that right. We took Lucy to Hawaii. She was a trooper! You know those parents on the plane walking the aisles with the screaming kid? Well, you will not find them at our house! Lucy literally slept or played the entire way to Hawaii and the entire way home! She was fabulous!!

If you want to see pictures from the trip, take a look at the slideshow to the right! You may be wondering why Lucy is wearing winter clothes in Hawaii ... well, that's because we took a trip to the top of a volcano while we were there. Boy was it cold! As you can see, Lucy slept through most of that trip, but seemed to enjoy the parts of it that she was awake for.

It took her a day or two to get used to the noisy ocean, but once she did she had a blast playing in the sand with her Granny!

She learned a couple of things on this trip - patty cake and her future miss america wave! I think you can see that wave in a couple of the pictures above!

Our flight out of Hawaii was cancelled and Lucy literally slept through the whole fiasco. We couldn't have asked for a better first vacation with our girl!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Our Little Ham

Lucy is such a ham lately! She is constantly getting into things that she knows she shouldn't and when you tell her no she just turns around and gives you the biggest grin you have ever seen!

A couple of weeks ago, she was playing on the bathroom floor while I was getting ready and I thought to myself, she is being really quiet. So I look down and what do I see, but my baby with two big handfuls of cotton balls. I think she was secretly trying to figure out how to get them in her mouth without me knowing! :)

That girl, she loves to put things in her mouth. Her favorite thing to put in her mouth as of late has been nail polish bottles. Then she crawls around the floor of the bathroom playing with her toys with the handle of the nail polish bottle sticking out of her mouth.

Not only does she love to put things in her mouth, but she loves to tear up paper. Just give her a piece of tissue paper or a napkin and she entertains herself for nearly 15 minutes just meticulously tearing that paper to shreds. I'm a little concerned ... I'm not sure a paper shredder will be able to support me in my old age! :)

Lucy's First Christmas!

Sorry it's taken me so long to provide an update! I've been enjoying a couple of weeks off with Lucy and her daddy. Lucy had a fabulous first Christmas! We read her the story of baby Jesus while she played with her new LeapFrog Learning Table. Then she opened the other two gifts we got her: LeapFrog maracas and a Baby Einstein video. We didn't get her a lot of gifts because we knew she would be spoiled rotten by her grandparents, aunts and uncles. Boy were we right!

Lucy with her new learning table!

Lucy and her maracas! They're more fun to eat than to shake!

After we finished opening presents at our house, we went to Granny and Papaw Harris' house to open presents. Lucy made out like a bandit and she loved every minute of it! She also received presents from her Great Grandma and Grandpa Jones, who live in Virginia. Thanks Granny, Papaw and Grandma and Grandpa Jones!

Lucy and Granny!

Our gift from God!

Then we made our way over to great Grandma and Grandpa Harris' house where Lucy opened even more presents and played with her cousins, Zyon and Cobi and her great Aunt Terri. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Harris and Aunt Terri!

Lucy and her musical farm!

Lucy and her great Grandpa Harris!

On Friday, we celebrated Christmas with Lucy's Aunt Jen, Uncle Matt, Braden, Uncle Bryan, Auntie Ann, Cobi and Zyon, and Granny and Papaw Harris. Guess what? Lucy got presents! Thanks everyone!

L to R: Zyon, Lucy, and Cobi holding Braden

Cobi and Lucy!

On Saturday, we celebrated Christmas with Lucy's Grandma and Papa Hancock, Aunt Jen, Uncle Ralph, and cousins (Peyton, Kendel, and Myra) where Lucy was once again showered with gifts. Thanks Grandma and Papa Hancock, Aunt Jen, Uncle Ralph, Peyton, Myra and Kendel!

Lucy and her Papa!

Lucy and Myra!

Lucy now officially has more toys than we know what to do with! This is probably a good thing because even though we didn't realize it, she was really growing out of her old toys. Thank you everyone for contributing to Toy Madness! :)

We were hoping to get through the holidays without incident, but on Saturday night Lucy came down with a fever and we found out on Monday that she has an ear infection. Of course, this is most likely due to teething, so expect to hear about a new tooth in the next week or two!