Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Conversations with Lucy

Lucy is a real chatterbox! She loves to say "Hi there!", which we just happened to capture on video, so I will upload it soon.

Honestly though Lucy's favorite word to say is ap-ple. She says it all the time. Apple means "I'm hungry!". It could mean "I'm hungry for a banana!" or it could mean "I'm hungry for dinner!". At any rate, it's great to be able to communicate with our girl. Now she can tell us she's hungry, so we no longer have to guess why she is screaming! :)

Lucy's other favorite thing to chat about (besides food of course) is animals. She loves them! She can tell you the sounds that you would hear from a dog, cow, gorilla, and kitten (which sounds eerily similar to a dog). She has the Baby Noah video from Baby Einstein and watches it faithfully every night while we give her medicine for her asthma. This girl has literally memorized what animals will appear next in the video and makes the sound for the animal or names the animal before it appears on screen.

Here is a compilation of the words/phrases Lucy knows:

Hi there
I love you
Tiger (Which sounds a lot like Hi There)
Blow (For blow your nose - can you tell she's sick a lot?)
All Done

That's all I can think of for now, but I'll add more later if I think of them!

One more quick anecdote before I go! Last night Lucy, Ries (Our Labrador) and I were playing outside and I had kleenex out for Lucy because she's sick again and she decided to take a kleenex from me and tell Ries to blow her nose. Too cute!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lucy you are going to pass your cousin Zy up. Maybe you can get him to talk....stubborn little thing. I hope we can see you soon!!! Hugs and kisses!!!