I am thankful for:
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Lucy and Cobi
My First Tooth!
It finally happened! Lucy has her first tooth! I first felt it on Friday afternoon when I picked her up from day care. It's not quite big enough to take a picture of yet, but we will take one just as soon as it makes it's big appearance!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Home alone
Lucy and I are flying solo this week while David is at a conference. I'm so blessed to have a wonderful husband to help me raise this little girl. I give big props to those single parents out there. I don't know how you do it without going a little crazy!
This past week has been quite busy and not without incident. I locked Lucy and I out of the house last Friday and at the same time I forgot to let Ries back in, so she spent a lovely day outside while I was at work. Luckily David hid a key awhile back so we were able to get into the house without having to break in, although, my mom did give me a few tips on breaking in just in case I needed them. :)
Lucy's grandma and her cousin Peyton came down on Saturday to entertain Lucy while I went to a wedding. It was nice to have a little bit of a break. I love Lucy, don't get me wrong, but sometimes we need our space!
I will try to post a new picture soon, although it will have to wait until David returns from his trip! He took both cameras with him!!
This past week has been quite busy and not without incident. I locked Lucy and I out of the house last Friday and at the same time I forgot to let Ries back in, so she spent a lovely day outside while I was at work. Luckily David hid a key awhile back so we were able to get into the house without having to break in, although, my mom did give me a few tips on breaking in just in case I needed them. :)
Lucy's grandma and her cousin Peyton came down on Saturday to entertain Lucy while I went to a wedding. It was nice to have a little bit of a break. I love Lucy, don't get me wrong, but sometimes we need our space!
I will try to post a new picture soon, although it will have to wait until David returns from his trip! He took both cameras with him!!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Nature Lover!

We took Lucy to Nashville and the Brown County state park this weekend. It was fun to spend some time outside on such a beautiful weekend. Lucy really seemed to enjoy being outside. She was so busy looking at everything and everyone around her!
There is a lake in the park with a trail that goes around it. Granny and Daddy took turns watching Lucy sleep while Mommy walked around the lake with Papaw and Daddy and then Granny and Papaw. Once Lucy woke up, Papaw decided it would be fun to let Lucy put her feet in the lake, but he was too chicken to do it himself, so Mommy did it. As you can see from the picture below, Mommy accidentally dropped Lucy in the lake. Lucy doesn't seem to mind too much!

We talked Granny and Papaw into taking a family picture of us!

We also took a picture of Lucy with her Granny and Papaw! It was a fabulous day!

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Flower Child
Weekend for Firsts
Lucy visited her grandma and grandpa this past weekend as well as her aunt Jen and uncle Ralph and her beautiful cousins Myra, Peyton and Kendel. She experienced a lot of firsts that we documented on camera, so here they are:

Lucy's First Bus Ride!
Update: Some of you have asked 'Where was Lucy going on her bus ride?' Well, she was going to visit the dairy farm! If you haven't been, you really should go! It's quite interesting. Here is a link to their web site: http://www.fofarms.com/ .
Lucy's First Pony Ride!
Lucy's First Trip Down the Slide!

Lucy's First Bus Ride!
Update: Some of you have asked 'Where was Lucy going on her bus ride?' Well, she was going to visit the dairy farm! If you haven't been, you really should go! It's quite interesting. Here is a link to their web site: http://www.fofarms.com/ .

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Lucy's Top Ten!
I was just sitting here thinking that I need to write a little more about what Lucy is doing so that she can look back at this when she gets a little older and enjoy reading fun things about herself. So, I thought I would make a top ten list of what Lucy is doing now. Here goes!
10. She loves sweet potatoes and pears.
9. She thinks loud noises are funny.
8. She spits her food at you when she's finished eating.
7. She can crawl!
6. She can also sit up from a crawling position.
5. She loves the precious moments teddy bear at daycare and sleeps with it.
4. She loves to eat paper!
3. She's starting to give hugs.
2. She crawled into the toy box at daycare and it toppled over on her leaving her a bit flustered.
And the #1 thing that Lucy is known for right now:
1. Her big, slobbery, wet kisses!
I'm sure she'll thank me for this one day. ;)
10. She loves sweet potatoes and pears.
9. She thinks loud noises are funny.
8. She spits her food at you when she's finished eating.
7. She can crawl!
6. She can also sit up from a crawling position.
5. She loves the precious moments teddy bear at daycare and sleeps with it.
4. She loves to eat paper!
3. She's starting to give hugs.
2. She crawled into the toy box at daycare and it toppled over on her leaving her a bit flustered.
And the #1 thing that Lucy is known for right now:
1. Her big, slobbery, wet kisses!
I'm sure she'll thank me for this one day. ;)
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Sleeping Beauty
Lucy slept for a whopping 12 hours last night! She went down at 6:00 p.m. and did not stir until 6:00 a.m. this morning. Is this normal for a baby her age? Poor daddy didn't get to see her at all last night, so he woke up at 6:00 a.m. this morning with her to spend a little time with her. For those of you who know Lucy's daddy, you know he must have really wanted to spend some time with her to get up that early! :)
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Life with Lucy
Life is so much fun with Lucy right now! When I arrived home from work last night she gave me the biggest smile! She also blew raspberries on my shoulder. That's a first! We have noticed that she really enjoys the feel of new textures. She'll spend minutes just touching the couch or leaves on the tree. And I've found that she loves to dance, as long as I'm singing a silly song while we're dancing. I think the best part is that she coos now when she wakes up. It's so much better to go pick up a cooing rather than a screaming baby. :)
We are working with her on sitting up and eating veggies. She really is getting a lot better at sitting up although a fun toy or seeing Ries can easily distract her and cause her to topple over. As for the veggies, well, I think mommy and daddy are wearing more of the veggies than Lucy gets in her tummy, but we continue to try. So far she has tried peas, carrots and green beans. None of them seem to be particularly enticing to her. I think we will try sweet potatoes next.
Unfortunately Lucy is sick again. She had a cold last weekend and that has developed into a really nasty cough. We took her to the doctor and he said she just has a virus and there's not much to be done. So, daddy is spending his vacation at home with Lucy because we just can't justify taking her to daycare. I can just hear the other parents now 'What kind of parent brings a kid who has the plague to daycare?' :) No thanks!
We are working with her on sitting up and eating veggies. She really is getting a lot better at sitting up although a fun toy or seeing Ries can easily distract her and cause her to topple over. As for the veggies, well, I think mommy and daddy are wearing more of the veggies than Lucy gets in her tummy, but we continue to try. So far she has tried peas, carrots and green beans. None of them seem to be particularly enticing to her. I think we will try sweet potatoes next.
Unfortunately Lucy is sick again. She had a cold last weekend and that has developed into a really nasty cough. We took her to the doctor and he said she just has a virus and there's not much to be done. So, daddy is spending his vacation at home with Lucy because we just can't justify taking her to daycare. I can just hear the other parents now 'What kind of parent brings a kid who has the plague to daycare?' :) No thanks!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Sitting Up, Not Quite
Lucy's latest trick is sitting up! Sorta. :) She can sit up by herself now for about 10 seconds if we put her hands on the floor in front of her. That's a start though, right?
Baseball Hottie
Lucy survived her first baseball game this weekend. The Cincinnati Reds vs. the Chicago Cubs. The Cubs won 6 - 0. Go Cubs! Boy was it hot! Lucy spent most of her time dozing in the shade. She was the belle of the ball. Everyone wanted to see her and ooh and aah about how cute she is! Why are we not surprised?
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Out and About
Lucy has been getting out of the house a lot more recently. Last weekend we trekked to Crawfordsville, Indiana for her cousin Zyon's 1st birthday party. Lucy slept through most of it, but made her big entrance at the end of the party and charmed everyone there.
Last night she made her first trip to the airport to drop Daddy off for his trip to Germany. She slept through that too. Hmmm, I'm starting to see a trend here. :)
Last night she made her first trip to the airport to drop Daddy off for his trip to Germany. She slept through that too. Hmmm, I'm starting to see a trend here. :)
Monday, June 25, 2007
Poor Baby Part 2
Lucy had a temperature of 102.5 most of the day yesterday. We called the doctor and he said it's likely just a cold, but told us to monitor her temperature and call him back if it changed drastically. I felt so bad for her. She just snuggled her daddy and me for about 7 hours yesterday. She wasn't our normal giggly baby. She seems better this morning, but not 100%. Hopefully she will get better throughout the day.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Roly Poly
Lucy rolled over for the first time this morning! She was fussing at about 4 a.m. this morning, so I went in to her room to find out what was wrong and she was laying on her back kicking her feet and arms! For those of you who don't know, Lucy sleeps on her stomach. So, unfortunately we didn't witness the blessed event, but we know it happened. :)
Lucy is a roly poly girl in more ways than one. Her daddy took her to the doctor yesterday and found out that she weighs a whopping 13lbs 12oz. Our girl is getting big!
Here is a new picture for those of you who haven't seen her in awhile. We love you all!
Lucy is a roly poly girl in more ways than one. Her daddy took her to the doctor yesterday and found out that she weighs a whopping 13lbs 12oz. Our girl is getting big!
Here is a new picture for those of you who haven't seen her in awhile. We love you all!
Friday, June 8, 2007
Shrieking Contests
Well, Aunt Jen, you were right. Lucy has officially mastered shrieking. We even have shrieking contests and if the prize goes to the highest pitched shrieker, then Lucy wins hands down every time. Fortunately, this is a game that keeps Lucy entertained for 20 minutes or more. What am I going to do when her attention span is less than 2 minutes? :)
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Solids, Sorta
Cereal is Lucy's new thing this week. Several people have suggested that it's time for her to eat something other than milk, so we are trying out cereal. She does make a rather odd face when we spoon the cereal into her mouth, but I'm pretty sure that's because she has absolutely no idea what to do with it once it's in there. For this reason, I think the majority of it ends up on her rather than in her tummy, but she seems to enjoy trying it.
Grouchy = Growing?
Our naturally sweet Lucy has been incredibly grouchy this week. Normally she laughs and coos when we change her diaper, but this week she is demonstrating her crotchety side. The daycare workers say she must be growing. Well, I hope she doesn't act this way every time she grows or we have a long road ahead of us. :)
Friday, May 25, 2007
Color Wheel
Yesterday the daycare workers informed me that Lucy loves to look at contrasting colors as she is twisting her head 180 degrees in my arms to look at the giraffe on the wall. I think they're right. :)
Lucy has now learned how to shriek. She doesn't do it very much, so I think she's having trouble figuring out how to reproduce the oh-so-fun ear piercing noise. Maybe we can have one more week or two of peace and quiet until she figures this out. :)
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Growing like a weed
Lucy is officially out of 0-3 month clothes. I put her in a long sleeve 0-3 month onesie last night and the sleeves only came to her elbows. I must have been sleeping when this happened! How did she get so big?
Poor baby
Lucy came down with her first cold last week. She was so pitiful. Fortunately she seems to be feeling much better now and is back to her old ornery self. :)
All wet!
Lucy's favorite new thing is bath time. She loves the sound of her feet splashing the water. She just kicks her feet and waves her hands as fast as she possibly can. It's so much fun.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
It's hard to believe ...

that Lucy is almost 3 months old! It seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital and I was so afraid she was going to smother herself in her sleep because her clothes were too big. Now she is wearing 3-6 month clothes and they're almost too small. This little girl is so long!
She's really starting to get a personality of her own lately! Last night I read her Goodnight Moon and she just sat in her Bumbo seat and laughed. I never realized Goodnight Moon was so funny! The pictures are starting to intrigue her now. She just stares at the page as if it's the most interesting thing in the world. I wonder what she's thinking ...
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