Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Mooooove over before I trick you!

Here's Lucy dressed as a cow for her first Halloween.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Nature Lover!

We took Lucy to Nashville and the Brown County state park this weekend. It was fun to spend some time outside on such a beautiful weekend. Lucy really seemed to enjoy being outside. She was so busy looking at everything and everyone around her!

There is a lake in the park with a trail that goes around it. Granny and Daddy took turns watching Lucy sleep while Mommy walked around the lake with Papaw and Daddy and then Granny and Papaw. Once Lucy woke up, Papaw decided it would be fun to let Lucy put her feet in the lake, but he was too chicken to do it himself, so Mommy did it. As you can see from the picture below, Mommy accidentally dropped Lucy in the lake. Lucy doesn't seem to mind too much!

We talked Granny and Papaw into taking a family picture of us!

We also took a picture of Lucy with her Granny and Papaw! It was a fabulous day!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Flower Child

Lucy looked pretty cute this morning in her flower child apparel, so I couldn't resist taking a pic and sharing it with all of you!

Weekend for Firsts

Lucy visited her grandma and grandpa this past weekend as well as her aunt Jen and uncle Ralph and her beautiful cousins Myra, Peyton and Kendel. She experienced a lot of firsts that we documented on camera, so here they are:

Lucy's First Bus Ride!

Update: Some of you have asked 'Where was Lucy going on her bus ride?' Well, she was going to visit the dairy farm! If you haven't been, you really should go! It's quite interesting. Here is a link to their web site: .

Lucy's First Pony Ride!

Lucy's First Trip Down the Slide!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Lucy's Top Ten!

I was just sitting here thinking that I need to write a little more about what Lucy is doing so that she can look back at this when she gets a little older and enjoy reading fun things about herself. So, I thought I would make a top ten list of what Lucy is doing now. Here goes!

10. She loves sweet potatoes and pears.
9. She thinks loud noises are funny.
8. She spits her food at you when she's finished eating.
7. She can crawl!
6. She can also sit up from a crawling position.
5. She loves the precious moments teddy bear at daycare and sleeps with it.
4. She loves to eat paper!
3. She's starting to give hugs.
2. She crawled into the toy box at daycare and it toppled over on her leaving her a bit flustered.

And the #1 thing that Lucy is known for right now:

1. Her big, slobbery, wet kisses!

I'm sure she'll thank me for this one day. ;)

Fall has arrived!

Here is Lucy in her fab fall attire! Thanks Cait!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Sleeping Beauty

Lucy slept for a whopping 12 hours last night! She went down at 6:00 p.m. and did not stir until 6:00 a.m. this morning. Is this normal for a baby her age? Poor daddy didn't get to see her at all last night, so he woke up at 6:00 a.m. this morning with her to spend a little time with her. For those of you who know Lucy's daddy, you know he must have really wanted to spend some time with her to get up that early! :)