I was just sitting here thinking that I need to write a little more about what Lucy is doing so that she can look back at this when she gets a little older and enjoy reading fun things about herself. So, I thought I would make a top ten list of what Lucy is doing now. Here goes!
10. She loves sweet potatoes and pears.
9. She thinks loud noises are funny.
8. She spits her food at you when she's finished eating.
7. She can crawl!
6. She can also sit up from a crawling position.
5. She loves the precious moments teddy bear at daycare and sleeps with it.
4. She loves to eat paper!
3. She's starting to give hugs.
2. She crawled into the toy box at daycare and it toppled over on her leaving her a bit flustered.
And the #1 thing that Lucy is known for right now:
1. Her big, slobbery, wet kisses!
I'm sure she'll thank me for this one day. ;)